The game i was thinking about doing a game about a lost dog. He gets lost while out on a walk with his owner and has to find his way home, along the way he will pick up clues and tokens which will help him find his way home. There are also minigames that you play along the way to get a way to go if you lose the minigames you lose tokens.
Why i took these pictures
I took this picture beacuse i liked the look of the trees, it gives a scary kind of look but not to scary. One of my game ideas was to have a lost dog and trying to get it to find its way home. So this picture would be where the dog would find some clues on how to get home. I think this picture will be good for a minigame like a maze or something.
I took this picture to be at the beggining of the game. You see the dog running off into the distance and then thats when the game begins, you will see the shape of the the boy and then thats when the game starts.
I took this picture because i think that its a good place to hide clues in the game. The idea i was thinking is that putting a few different objects into the tree & you have to find the right clue.
I took this image because i thought it would be a good place to put little clues & even tokens into it.
I really like this image because of the one bluebell that is in the photo, i am going to use the bluebells as lives for when the character is getting tired.
I really like this image becasue to me it looks like a secret passageway for the game. Almost like a magical one.
I really like this image because i knew what i was going to do with it when i took it, what i want to do with this image is to manipulate a tail into it undernewith the tree as some kind of minigame or clue.
I took this image becasue i like the swampy look of it. I especially like the tree thats in the middle! I was thinking about using the tree as a clue spot with different pieces of hair in it & collectibles. What i also wanted to do was do paths of stepping stones which lead to other areas to.
The tree from the picture above that i want to add different objects to.
I thought this image was really nice of the stream & the little water fall. I want this to be in the game so that maybe they have to find a way to get across.
This is one of my favourite images that i took. I love the bluebells i think they are really pretty. What i was thinking about for this image is where he finds alot of lives & maybe a few clues.
I took this image because i wanted to have something engraved on the side of the tree or the dogs claw marks.
I really like this shot because i love the fact it has the wooden path in it. I also love the way the log/stick is in the picture to that will be good to use as a clue.